Beyond Comprehension...
At an early age I discovered Cartoons magazine. Inspired by Trosley, the magazine's artist, I found myself intrigued by the blown engines and smoking tires of these hot rods. I would spend countless hours trying to mimic Trosley's artwork.
As I reached my teenage years, I found the crazy world of Ed " Big Daddy " Roth and his character " Rat Fink ". Ed was also a car builder and painter/pinstriper.
Upon making my way to college, I became interested in automotive painting, airbrushing, and pinstriping. I painted my first bike, and it has been snowballing ever since.
Throughout my career, I've been on several magazine covers ( StreetTrucks, Truckin', Southern Rodder, etc.) and have been fortunate enough to paint for Sylvester Stallone ( Expendables ) and have painted a gun on the Discovery Channel for " Sons of Guns ".
I give all the glory to GOD for blessing me with these gifts and opportunities.
- Joel Cangiolosi